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Red Ear Slider - Chiped Shell

22 16:14:12

I have had my turtle, A Red Eared Slider, for almost four years. His name is Chowder. He's steadily getting bigger although I have not changed his diet or amount of food given. He has gotten so big that when I picked him up tonight I accidentally dropped him on the floor where a piece of his shell chipped off where his "armpit" is. It's really only a sliver of shell but I am really worried that it could get infected and harm him. Can you please tell me what I should do? Thank you.

These guys are tough. A chipped shell is not going to be a problem. If you see any sign of blood, clean and treat it like any small cut and keep it out of the water for an hour or two.

Remember- these turtles are routinely chewed on my raccoons, gators, and big dogs and do just fine.

Good luck!

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