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dessert tortoise coexisting with box turtles

22 16:05:20

We have two box turtles over 17 years old and are about to inherit a desert tortoise that is over 60 years old.  Box turtles have their run of our backyard and tortoise has been in a confined area and a dog house for many years.  Will they be able to co-exist in the same yard (not a large yard)?  Thank you very much for helping!  Also, desert tortoise has been fed lettuce, tomatoes and corn and that is what I feed the box turtles.  Any other suggestions on what to feed them?  Thanks!

Hi Jennifer,

Desert tortoises are *very* sensitive to foreign pathogens, and I would strongly advise that you have a separate enclosure for this one rather than mixing it with your box turtles.  Desert tortoises should be fed a diet of leafy greens and some grasses (weeds, turnip/dandelion, collards, kale, etc.) and prickly pear cactus.  No veggies, no fruit, and no pellets.  Box turtles eat some plant material, fruit, and animal protein.  Lettuce (not iceberg) is OK as part of a varied diet but doesn't have much nutritional value, and corn should be avoided for all tortoises.  Box turtles will hunt worms, slugs, snails, etc. for themselves if the yard is well planted, but you can also offer things like boiled chicken/eggs, pinky mice, etc.

Here's some links that will give you more information: