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turtle eggs in my backyard

22 16:05:20

A somewhat large turtle with a red stripe on both sides of her head dug a hole in my backyard this afternoon.  My dogs discovered her and as I realized it, I took them inside.  About an hour later, she found another spot, under a tree in the mulch bed, and dug a 2nd hole where she deposited 2 eggs.  A third egg was left outside of the hole.  She then left and went back into the canal.  I gently pushed the last egg into the hole with a leaf and covered it lightly with the misplaced dirt.  What now?  How long will it take before the eggs hatch?  I took pics of the turtle and the eggs.  If they will help in the identification I can send them.  Please let me know if there is anything I should or should not do.

That would be a Red-ear Slider, a common turtle in much of the US, although an alien, invasive species outside of the deep South.

If it is only laying a few eggs at a time it is probably not laying seriously- especially if she is being sloppy about it. The proper nest will be almost invisible and have 12-24 eggs in it.

It will take between 2-10 months to hatch, usually 3-4, depending on many variables, and assuming they are fertile- 'practice' eggs are not.

They've been doing this for a really long time and need little help from us, although you can protect them from predation by laying something like large-opening chicken wire over a known nest.

Thank you for your interest in helping animals!