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small turtles

22 16:39:45

hey mark, i am back for more questions. i just bought 3 small turtles yesterday (RES) they are about 1 inch long each. its probably illegal in the U.S., but I'm not sure if it is the same in Canada.

Well back to main topic, i heard it was 1 inch per 10 gallon, and i have my 10 gal tank up so if i have three of these 1 inch turtles do i require a 30 gallon tank?

At first, for a very short time, the 10 gallon tank would be OK, but very quickly the 10 gallon/inch rule will kick in. The problem is, that even the 30 will be too small in a year.

Try for something like 60 gallons or so. Plastic tubs are cheaper, lighter, and better in many ways (but not as pretty to some people). Having too much space is not a big deal.