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Outdoor Hibernation for a Box Turtle

22 16:03:51

Hi there,

We rescued a Box Turtle this past Summer.  We decided to keep him and built him an outdoor pen with plants etc under a shady Tree.  This past few days we have noticed he has no interest in food and has started burying himself but only pasrtially as he often sticks his head out.  My guess is he is getting ready for Hibernation.  What can I provide for him to ensure he is comfortable?  We are in North Carolina and the temps fluctuate this time of year.  How long will he hibernate given it is only just October.  Is it safe for him to be out there in the snow/frost should we get any?

Thank you for your attention to all my questions :)

Hello please allow me to apologize in adv ance as I was not sent a  message regarding a question waiting I would have answered you that day.

As far as his hibernation, I would bring him indoors provide a tortoise table which is as easy as taking a book shelf nad putting it on the back sode and making it a home for hom. Put a hide in it, allt he normal things. You are seeing him slow down as they do in the cooler times this is also why they eat so much the other months.
If you have imprinted him, which Id say time wise he is, then he will loose the natural instinct to borrow properly get his body ready etc. so therefor youll have to assist BUT I say that bringing him indoors is safest for him and your nerves.