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New turtle owner

22 16:00:40

Hey Jeannie,

I have recently obtained an African Sideneck turtle. I don't really know any information about him to give you. This is why I am asking for help. I can't find much reliable information on what temperatures the water should be, how big the aquarium, what diet he should have,sand or rocks, type of heat, ect. If you could please help me give my turtle proper care I would highly appreciate it!

Hi Samantha,

This is obviously after the fact, but it's really important to do research before you bring home a new pet, and especially a reptile.  There's quite a bit of conflicting information, and the more you know beforehand the less likely you'll make a mistake that could be hazardous to your new pet.

The first thing you should do is go back to where you got the turtle and find out exactly what species it is (the scientific name).  There are two genuses of turtle that are commonly called "African side-necked," Pelomedusa and Pelosius.  Their care is the same, but you should know what you have anyway.

You didn't say how big your turtle currently is, but if it's about 4", you should have about a 50 gallon tank now.  They will generally reach 7-8", so at some point you should have at least a 75 gallon tank, and bigger is always better.  Provide a filter rated at least twice the tank's capacity.

Their care isn't too much different from most North American turtles, but they do need a warmer water temperature (about 82 degrees), so you'll need to heat the water.  You need to provide UVB as well as basking heat.

They are primarily carnivorous, but will eat some greens.  Always give as much variety as you can.

Here's some links that should help you out.  The first are on general turtle care, and should give you some ideas about tanks, filters, diet, and so forth.  The last is specific to Pelomedusa, and also has some links that will give you more information.  Enjoy reading!

UPDATE:  Hi, Samantha,

I just want to write back and apologize for assuming that you had bought your turtle without doing research.  Unfortunately, I get quite a few questions from people who do just that and have no idea what they have, which of course is frustrating, but I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.  Good luck with your turtle, and thank you for wanting to give him a good home!