Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Turtle does not eat and opens his month as he wants to vomit...

Turtle does not eat and opens his month as he wants to vomit...

22 16:16:18

I had this turtle for sometime and he always eat like a tiger... just suddenly it has stopped eating for about 5 days... very strange given the fact that it always eat. Also notice that it opens its month as it wanted to vomit...I put him in warm water 80degrees with a bit of fish oil as I was told that could bring him back....
Can you help me on this? I

I thought I already answered this. Without knowing the species, age or size, housing, cares, and diet, I am not sure what is going on. I cannot tell if it is experiencing pneumonia, stomatitis, or something else. I am also unaware of any condition that fish oil can help easily.

I either need more information, or you can try the forums at to see if any of the experts there can help more.