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name of terrapins

22 16:15:31

hi there seen i was just wanted to ask you about what kind of terrapin/turtles i have two of them they are very small a bit like the red ear slider but with out the red ear yellow under side am yellow streeks and that so if you can help me and how can i tell the sex of them as well also there skin is starting to shed a bit is this ok

Hello Patrick,

They sound like a Yellow Belly Slider (sounds simple huh?)

Go ahead and look them up and if that is the kind of turtle you have then the care information on the web and in books is exactly the same of the Red Ear Slider care. has the most helpful information on caring for slider turtles.

Shedding on the skin and shell is normal, do NOT pull the shed off or try to help in that way. They can take care of it themselves and it will come off when its ready. You pull it off before its ready and it can damage their skin.

You can not tell the gender until they are at least four inches long.
At which point male's front nails start to grow a lot longer then their back claws, and their cloaca (anal opening) is located on the tail near the tip. The female's front claws are about the same length as the back ones and her cloaca is located on the tail near the body.

Good luck