Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > when turtle red eared lay her egg?

when turtle red eared lay her egg?

22 16:05:31

QUESTION: Hi. I live in Malaysia. I have 2 females and 2 males green turtle. My females green turtles are 2 years old. once of them,doesn't swim and stay inside the water few months until now. I every worry and wonder why? Maybe she pregnant or something wrong with her? Because she so scare when i put her in the water..
please give me some advice. thanx

ANSWER: I am guessing 4 weeks to lay then up to 70 days  to hatch BUT please dont breed as it is not needed. even where you live there are to many,,,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for yr answer. but...
My females turtle is two years old.She does not swim or stay inside the water few months until now. Is it mean she's sick or she pregnant?

She needs to go to the vet so they can do an x ray of her to see if she is gravid aka pregnant  or if she has medical issues.
Im positive she has had to  have been in the water though as she would have dehydrated and died so it is possible she goes in the water when no one is around.