Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > type of box turtle

type of box turtle

22 16:05:28

QUESTION: i know she is a box turtle but i though she was eastern but she doesn't hinge. she has a flat bottom and a high doom and the same colors and eastern.would have have any idea what type i know she has five claw on her paw.

ANSWER: can you send pictures?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

my box turtle
my box turtle  
QUESTION: the best picture i have of her

Easteren box with overgrown beak.  Looks like the shell is wrong size

Looks like he has been on soft foods in a house with improper care. Gulf coast possibly dwarfed. The shell is to small for the body.  The eastern bred with florida box turtles

Either way, the turtle needs to be seen by a vet to educate the best care. Also he needs to be evaluated to see if there is any possibility of correcting the care.