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red ear slider turtle food

22 16:01:25

what type of food do they because they seem like their not eating the food we bought at the store but they might be so

Hi Gannon,

Pet stores aren't the best places to get advice on turtle care.  Pellets are fine as part of a varied diet, but your turtles should also be fed fresh animal protein (bloodworms, guppies, worms, etc.) and greens.  Variety is very important.

It can take a few days for new turtles to settle in, but it's also important that you have them set up correctly.  Turtles require plenty of room, excellent water quality, proper basking temperatures and a source of UVB, and of course a good diet.  The standard 20 gallon tank that pet stores seem to sell with hatchling RES is adequate for two hatchlings for a short period of time, but if that's the size tank you have I highly recommend returning it and getting a larger tank (50 gallons or more) and filter that will last for a few years.  Two adult RES will need about a 150 gallon tank with an external canister filter.  It may seem like a lot, but you will avoid many health problems by giving them a lot of space and clean water.  

Here are some links that will give you detailed information on how to set up a tank, as well as information on diet: