Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Species identification?

Species identification?

22 16:07:08

Snapping Turtle
Snapping Turtle  
QUESTION: Can you tell me what the kind of snapping turtle in the photo is? To me it looks like a Florida Snapping turtle but I live in Louisiana and i don't know if Florida snappers have been known to leave the Florida peninsula.

ANSWER: Hey Justin,

It looks to me like a baby "alligator" snapping turtle. Totally cool turtle. I personally have found Florida snappers into Louisiana so it's hard to say when they are that young.

Wow he is out of his shell awfully early....Did you just find him?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Snapping Turtle?
Snapping Turtle?  
QUESTION: I've had him about 3 months. At first i thought he was just a common cuz he had a black shell but then the shell lightened to the brown it is now. So i had to find out what kind he is. I will add another image and see if you can make a confirmation.  

Hey Justin,

I am going to go with my gut on this one and say that he is a Florida snapper. He is still kind of young, so as he gets older his shell may lengthen to his head meaning that he is an "alligator" snapper. Take care of him and send pictures later. Do you mind if I post that picture on my website?
