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White Spot

22 16:38:20

My baby yellow belly slider has a white spot on her head. I don't know if something is wrong with her or if it is just her shedding  or the sulfer water conditionar

I cannot help with that little description, but I can point you to a great website you can learn about the right cares for your turtle at, and I can suggest that you get rid of the chemical block (it is just polluting the water and not really helping anything.)

Give a try for great articles on care, diet, etc.

Now- some possibilities would include:
- chemical deposit from the block
- fungal infection that is now resistant to sulfa medications because of the block
- a healing injury or rubbed area

Without knowing more details, I can only suggest that if the spot is not getting bigger, deeper, or growing in any way then it is probably nothing much to worry about.