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Tank Ste-up

22 16:38:36

I have a cherry head red footed tortoise.  I have the tank set up in the following way.  The heat lamp above the hide with the food inside and the water and moss on the other side of the tank.  It is a 55 gallon tank, but I can not get the humidity above 52%  I have the moss next to the water pond what can I do to get the humidity up or does it even need to be higher?  I wet the moss down daily and the hide side of the tank is about 85-90 degrees.

Either switch to a moss that hold more water (long-fibered sphagnum moss holds more than peat moss, for example), and/or cover some or all of the habitat to hold the warm, humid air in.

You can try taking a translucent plastic tub and putting it upside down in the warm end of the habiat. Cut a hole in the side and you have a quick high-humidity chamber.

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