Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > snaper acking strange

snaper acking strange

22 16:15:36

I have a snapper proxy 1 years old.He/or she was always very active in the tank.if we shake the food can it would come to the front of the tank and stand up and get decided it knew it was feeding time every so often we would give him/her some small feeder fish and the snapper would eat till it was ready to blow up!!!recently the snapper has been acting strange not eating and moving very little it puts its head down and its rear end up almost seems as the rear end is floating it is sticking its head up to breath but then returns back to the potion sometimes the snapper just picks up its body on all four legs and stands still we looked the shell over and we don't see anything odd per say maybe a slight red spot no bleeding or anything can you tell us if you know what might be up with Fred the snapper.

I suspect that the basic cares and diet are not the best for Fred, but since you do not describe them well, I cannot make suggestions for you.

I also see a hint of what may be a digestive problem- possibly due to too much of the wrong food.

I recommend a couple of good sites. I bet if you just change a few things in the daily cares, Fred will be fine.
