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about red-eared-slider-turtle

22 16:46:59


my tortoise type is red-eared-slider-turtle

and he had diffcultly to breath

like some kind looks like asthma kind

and when i feed him tortoise food he don't eat

and everytime climb to the rock n slp instead of staying in the water...

erm wat kind of illness he get???

erm ya before a few weeks ago he had a cold(because his nose got brew out bubble)

Thanks =)

Edited Answer (I found your original!)

OK, now I know your 'tortoise' is actually a turtle, and it is a Red-ear slider.

I would bet that the big problem here is that you need to adjust your basic cares some. Turtles like space, warmth, and the sun and we need to provide this if we are going to keep them as pets. If we don't provide this, they get sick and die.

SPACE: Aim for at least 10 gallons of swimming space per inch of turtle. Turtles NEED and want BIG swimming spaces.

HEAT: Heat the tank water to at 75-80 (actually, as long as it is sick, make the water about 5 degrees warmer than that!) Heat the basking site to about 90 as well. (We usually do this with a heat lamp.)

SUN: Offer lighting that looks and feels like the sun for the turtle. The easiest way is to use reptile light bulbs that say they give off UV-B rays and then to leave the bulb on for 8 to 10 hours a day. (Note that sunlight coming through a window does not help, and common room lighting does not offer the needed UV-B rays.)

DIET: Cheap turtle foods, lettuce, and hamburger do not have the nutrition turtles need. Try a mix of about 25% good turtle pellets (Reptomin is OK and easy to find, but there is better available.) The rest should be a variety of small fish, bugs, worms, shrimp, beef heart, snails, etc.

Try for a good selection of care sheets, feeding articles, medical care articles, etc.

Now- once we are meeting the turtle's needs, the cold should go away in about a week. If it does not, you need to think about seeing a vet- at that point you may need medications to treat the turtle.

You can also try and ask people there for more ideas as well.