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red eared slider male living with new turtle

22 16:03:14

QUESTION: i found a small red ear slider and i have a 6 year old slider(jack) already when i put the smaller one in the tank jack was acting like he wanted to mate it he followed it all over and the little one followed jack but about a week into it jack started biting the littles ones neck so they are in the same tank with a divider right now they stare at each other all the time but every time i put them back together jack goes after him he does not have sharp teeth but he can hold on. i had to pull him off just once i haven't allowed him to get hold any more if the small one gets bigger and if jack gets use to him in the same tank will they ever be able to live together and when jack bites and holds on can he break his neck or is it just like dogs where he is just pointing out this is my tank and will stop. jack has got over the divider once and they standing side by side doing nothing until jack saw me then he attacked him again should i create a new tank and feed them separately so theres no reason to fight help i am really starting to like the little guy hes i think by size 1 and by tail a male could that be another reason jack turned on him thanks so much shelly

ANSWER: Hi Shelly, They are mating. He will grab the neck to be able to properly mount her. If you do not want this to occur, you will have to set up seperate areas. Not in the same tank.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the little one is to young to mate though right will he be able to do that now also i thought the little one might be a boy because of the tail does he know the difference. and is there a time will he wont want to mate

Hi Shelly, turtles will continue to mate for years. There is not a general stopping time as long as they are properly cared for and given all they need, they will want to when it is season. I still would go with seperating them to prevent any kind of injury to the turtles adn or your wallet.