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just got baby red eared sliders

22 16:15:32

i have just bought some baby red eared sliders and although i have raised turtles before these two aren't like the other 4 that i have had. One of then seems to be fine but has not eaten anything since i have got them which was 4 days ago. The other can't open his eye and keeps scratching it, i think he has an eye infection, how do i make them eat and what do i do about the eye infection

Hello LeAnna, sorry about the late reply; I had a family emergency to tend to but all is well.

It is normal for a new turtle to refuse food for up to a week after bringing him home. Try offering different items, make sure you have special UV lights and a basking light.

Eye infections are pretty common in turtles usually from a fight or bad water care.

You can buy over the counter turtle eye drops at most pet stores. Administer them to him as the instructions say.

Give them time to settle and hope this one's eye clears up.

Keep the water extremely clean, to prevent any further irritation.

If after the eye drops don't work then a vet will be able to give you medicated eye drops to clear up an infection.

Please be sure you do not have two males as they can stress each other immensly and fight to the death over territory.

Good luck