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Turtle Fight/Bite.

22 16:29:54

Hello, My name is Andrew, I have three turtles and two tortoises. My Mississippi Map and My red eared slider get along, but my slider some times bites him. They bask together and swim together but some times bites. The map just just a baby, only an inch or so, the slider is 6 inches. Recently my map was bitten bad. Now he has a piece of his shell missing from the rear end. it is not bleeding but is red. How can i care for him. I have separated them. I'm not sure what to do.

I would not normally recommend keeping two turtles with big size differences together- especially when the typically aggressive slider is the big one.

To treat the Map, clean it well and dab it with providone iodine (Betadine Solution). Let it dry for an hour, then dab on some antibiotic ointment.

Either enlarge the habitat- about 7" of turtle should be in about 70 gallons of water (big habitats reduce aggression) or keep the two separate.

Try for more ideas.