Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > ma turtle

ma turtle

22 16:15:32

how du i know tat ma turtle is a male or female??
And tat what it age??
i have only one turtle does it need companion and how to take care of ma turtle? i really love it...

The turtle has to be 4 inches long before you can tell if he is a boy or she is a girl.
Male turtles will have very long front claws, and their cloaca (anal opening) will be located on the tail near the tip.
Females will have front claws the same length as their back ones and her cloaca will be located on the tail closer to her body.

But they all look female until they reach 4 inches long.

Turtles do not enjoy having friends or other turtles in the tank. It can stress them and fighting is very common. Your turtle is happy when he has the tank all to himself.

Here is a link for care:

Good luck