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our little turtle

22 16:17:22

ok, my children and I found what appears to be a slider. He, or she is about
the size of a fifty cent coin,  the back right corner of  shell is gone, I believe it
was bitten off. The back leg and tail is there and other then being at an odd
position it seems ok. He still uses it and there dosn't appear that there are
any breaks in the skin. I am wondering if I should put any thing on it. as I said
there is nothing that gives me the idea that there is infection but I wouldn't
want to loose him to something as simple as just needing an antibiotic
cream. So, What kind of ointment would be safe for it?

Hello Lorna,

You can treat the wound by disinfecting them with Betadine or Nolvosan solution (Mixed with water). Soak the wound twice/day.
If there's no improvements within a week or so, you should definitely contact a vet for further help.

Also: Make sure to keep the turtle warm!

Best wishes