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my new red eared slider

22 16:47:52

hey mark!
yesterday i just bought my first turtle, a red eared slider. my
question is concerning the tank. it seems to be suitable for my
turtle, as it is still only maybe 3-4 inches. the tank is a 3-5
gallon tank, and he has a generous amount of water to swim in.
that being said, Torti just won't stop swimming at and trying to
climb up the glass walls. is this normal? because all i want is for
him to be content.

Hi Jessy!

Torti might be climbing the walls for many reasons. Here is a basic checklist.

Tank size. Turtles need at least 5 gallons of swimming space per inch of shell. A 4" turtle would want at least 20 gallons, and be happier in 40 gallons.

Temps. Climbing may be a sign of too warm of temps. The water temps should be around 65, with basking sites of about 85-90.

Water quality. Smallish tanks become soiled rapidly.

You can try websites like http:/ for more ideas.