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Horsfield Tortoise behaviour

22 16:16:57

Hi, i have just got a Horsfiled Tortoise. He hasnt eatenor drunk anything in the time that i have had him, which is a few days and is not very active. Also he seems to only stay in one corner of his shelter and sleep. Is this normal activity for this time of the year in England.

Hello Rob,

Since you just got him, I would say that his behavior is normal.
Tortoises usually gets very passive and still when they are introduced to a new habitat - So I don't think you have to worry.
Just make sure to keep him warm, away from drafts and breezes and provide him with a variated diet (Mostly dark leafy greens) and it'll be all right.
Also, make sure to spend a lot time with him, that will make him get used to you and more social.

Best wishes