Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > african spurl soft and flat shell

african spurl soft and flat shell

22 15:56:48

My 3yr old sulcatas has a flatten soft shell. I wanted to find out what would cause that??

How old are you? Did you do NO RESEARCH at all before acquiring this animal?? What you are describing is reptile keeping 101 and you should have known this before getting one. The fact that you don't know this answer yourself after having him 3 years is infuriating. First of all, you need to follow my instructions to questioners and provide the info that you were directed to. In that, your answer will be apparent. You need to also attach a photo, but my recommendation in the end is that to save his life, you need to surrender hims ASAP to an experienced turtle and tortoise rehabilitator.