Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Res injured neck

Res injured neck

22 16:38:15


I have a question about my RES.  Two of my RES has signs of injuring on the top part of their neck.   I figured it is from them rubbing the back of the neck against their shell.  I was wondering what can I do to make the wound heal?  I had them in a separate tank now so they are out of the water.

Thanks in advanced.

Two turtles with neck injuries may be shell rubbing, or may be bite wounds. When there are multiple turtles in the same habitat- especially when the habitat is too small- there is a very good chance of aggression.

Step one is to figure out the problem. Shell rubbing? Why is it happening? Is it when it is basking? Is the habitat too cold so it suns too much? Is it biting? Is the habitat too small?

Fix the primary problem or the injury will just keep showing up again.

To treat the actual injury, just swab the injured area with a skin cleanser like Betadine Solution. Let the stuff dry for about an hour and return the turtle to a normal habitat- please do not keep it 'dry' for more than a few hours at a time.

In some cases, two turtles cannot live together, or you cannot afford a big habitat- in that case, keep them in separate tanks.
