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One of Mississippi Map Turtles

22 16:16:16

Hi there,

I have 2 Mississippi Map Turtles (quite young) and one of them has green appearing on his shell just behuind his head - he did not have this before and I just want to make sure he is ok. Is this shell rot?? We feed them mussels, bloodworm, fish, red meat, liver  and they also have cuttlefish and cod liver oil a couplem of times a week with their food. They have a semi heated tank as they are small and I clean them out once a week.

Please provide some advices as to what this is on my handsome young turtles shell ASAP, as If this is sell rot, i would like to treat this ASAP.

Thank you, Tasha :-)

Hello Tasha,

Try giving him a warm bath in the tub and use a soft bristled toothbrush on the spot. It may just be an algea growth. If you have a picture I may be able to help more.

Here is a link with information on shell problems in Red Ear Sliders. I know you have Map Turtles but shell condition symptoms are the same for the most part.

Shell Rot as stated in the link is usually in a white fungus type of color. I beleive all your turtle has is a little bit of algea growth. But it doesnt cost you money to send an email with an attached picture to a qualified vet in any area to see if its something else.

All you have to do is find an experienced vet that treats turtles, email her/him the picture and see if you should be concerened.

Best of luck