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pregnate turtles

22 16:38:56

I just received a an abandoned red eared slider about a week ago. I instantly put 14 fish in her tank and in about a day she ate them all. I took her out of her tank because she was trying to get out. I took her out to crawl around and she jumped off my balcony about a floor. we then took her to the grass area in my apartment complex and she seemed to be searching for dirt. about a couple hours later we brought her back into the house and she disappears and when I was going to bed I found a egg. I looked around the house for more eggs there were none. I have touched her butt area and it feels like there are more up there, what do I do?

She will probably lay the eggs in her sweet time. They are probably infertile, but you can try to hatch them per the directions at or

It would be good for her to have access to a tub of loose sandy soil to dig and lay in if you can arrange one, but there is no guarantee that she'll use it.

You can also review the sites mentioned for basic care issues.

I am sorry I cannot be of more specific help, but at this stage, you both have to pretty much make do with the situation. If she were not already laying, you can set up a nice 'water and beach' habitat, but they are not easy to do for the average home keeper.