Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Red Earred Slider shell is peeling

Red Earred Slider shell is peeling

22 16:14:01

I noticed that our RE Slider's shell is beginning to peel in very thin (almost transparent sheets). Is this normal or does he need something. He has been raised from a hatchling and is about 2 years old and shell measures about 2-2 1/2". Thank you for any advice you can give.

Shedding is a little tricky.

Healthy sheds are paper thin, translucent, and show healthy tissue underneath. You rarely see a truly healthy shed- it happens in small chunks.

A more visible 'healthy' shed can be the result of stress or overeating.

Review the basic cares at a good site like and see if stress or overeating may apply and change what needs changed if anything.

Good luck!