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Vitamin A for a slider?

22 16:17:40

I have a red eared slider who is sluggish, shedding a lot, puffy eyes, swimming sideways, and has appetite issues. Everything I see online makes it sound like a respiratory thing. Nearest vet who handles reptiles is 200 miles away. Local vet is willing to help, but doesn't really know...he thought it was a vitamin A thing, and so my turtle has gotten three A injections in as many I read on here that that's dangerous and can cause kidney failure!  I have baytril (22.7 mg taste tabs, 1 quarter tab once a day for a 1 pound turtle) that I'm givnig him now, but how serious was the damage from the injections? Anything I can do to counter act? Should I reduce the vitamin A in his diet? Doctor is reccomending I give him cod liver oil drops for vitamin A too, should I cease that? I'm worried now!

The thing is, vitamin A problems are not common in most turtles- mostly it is found in Box Turtles. Most other turtles have swollen eyes from infections and/or dirty water.

Swimming sideways is often a sign of pneumonia, and the other symptoms make it sound more like overall care issues more than a specific diet issue.

Since you do not describe the cares it gets, I really cannot address anything specific. Try and/or for good care info and see how your cares compare.

In most cases, once the turtle has plenty of warm, clean water; a good basking site; good lighting; and the right diet, the other issues begin to clear up.

Good luck!