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white spots

22 16:05:25

QUESTION: hi. i have a red-eared slider. she is 5 or 7 years old. i noticed yesterday her shell changes color. its color lightens. before, her shell's color is dark green  now it seems it looks like brown..she looks healthy and active. what do you think is her problem? is she ill? thank you...

ANSWER: Is she getting enough sun? Sounds to me like she is growing and that possibly she is having a deep shed.

If she is overall active and eating etc then Id just keep watch and if she changes her behavior then take to vet.

Let me know if I can help anymore.
Feel free to send pix if youre that concerned.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi jamie. i have a 5 or 7 year-old red eared slider, female.i noticed that she have this white spots on her shell which can be removed through brushing. this spots appeared only when i place her on our terrace, 2nd level of our house. it looks like dried drops of it a problem? thank you

ANSWER: Cristy,
Hi Id recommend looking when  you bring inside to see if it just wipes off. If so then no big deal however it sounds more like an onset of fungus.

It may not be that it  is the only time they show but it can be where the fungus is under the shell and it shows more as she is absorbing UVB

The ubv causes growth and this causes lifting of the shell to shed.

Please let me know if ic an help further.

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QUESTION: hi jamie. i'm putting my turtle in a diet for she  developed this folded skin in her legs.i'm feeding my turtle twice a day, in the afternoon and in the evening.i give her chicken,leafy vegetables, radish, hard boiled egg or fish. every time  i feed her ,i give her 4 to 5 pieces, for example chicken, strips about 1/4 inch length and width. is it too much?  Thank you

I think that Id definalty do some dietary changes.
vegis are great, feeder fish, not so much meat however. that seems a bit tooo much
are you not offering pellet or flake foods?
may not be getting enough calcium and needed suppliments

it isnt a diet, folds are normal. it is a dietart correction. In the wild they would not eat all that. there is no need for it now.,