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water turtles

22 16:03:11

the other day i found a white shell like thing at the bottom of the tank i was just wondering what i was as the turtles hardly come out of the water its a 3ft tank and the water turtles are quite big they have a basking area i nee to know if i need another tank just for the hatching

Hi Sharon,

It would help if you could be more specifc, and also if you could post a picture.  What species of turtles are these?  I'm also not sure what you mean by "shell like."  Was it a piece of eggshell, or something else?  If an egg was laid in the water, it's unlikely to be viable, so I don't think you need to worry about it hatching.  It might possibly have been something else, so if you can post back with a more specific description and information, I can be of more help.