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russian housing in Ireland

22 16:30:17

Hi Mick,
I have recently purchased a Russian tortoise about 7/8 years old. I have read many sites and forums trying to find a conclusive answer as to whether i can house her outside in an Irish climate all year round.
We do experience alot of rain, cold and frost but she does have a hut raised from the ground.
I can easily house her indoors but I would like to house her where she would be most happy.
She has recently decreased her eating amounts but from reading your previous answers I am armed with a few tactics to try.
Thank you

Hello Lisa.

Well, cold and wet is not best for Russians. They have a wide geographic range, but where they come from is for the most part just the opposite climate...arid, dry, and warm...cold, but dry, in the winter.

Testudo horsfieldii can handle it a little damp and warm, or cold and dry; but not wet and cold at the same time. Whatever you do, you will have to make sure that she has warmth if she needs it ( unless she is hibernating ), and that she is neither too humid, nor too dry. If she is hibernating, you will have to insulate her with many layers of substrate to bury under, so as to protect her from freezing temperatures.

No doubt she is already getting ready for hibernation, but you need to make sure she is properly prepared for this with fat stores, adequate hydration, and her bowels have cleared of waste beforehand. You will have to withhold food for some time until she voids all waste. If you are not skilled or prepared for this, then I recommend keeping her indoors over the winter and skipping hibernation the first year if in doubt. A veterinary check up is best before considering hibernation if you are not well versed with reptiles.

Hope this helps.