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how to keep turtle tank clean

22 16:46:57


I just wanted to know how to keep the turtle tank from getting cloudy and dirty.  Every week we change the water and clean out the filter. However, now it has been getting dirty every 2-3 days.  Are there any other way to keep our tank clean beside cleaning it constantly?

Our tank is 10 gallons and the filter is for a 10-15 gallon tank.  



1. Bigger tank. The recommendation is for 10 gallons of swimming space per inch of turtle. The smallest recommended tank is about a 1/2 filled 20 gallon for a single baby turtle.

2. Use a filter that is 2-3 times more powerful than is recommended for a fish tank.

3. Watch the amounts and type of food. You may be over-feeding, and that may be contributing to the problem.

Check out for other ideas.