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the sex of yellow bellied sliders

22 16:46:58

I have two yellow sliders one is about five or six inches and the other is about three or four inches id like to know how to tell the difference sex wise, they share the same tank and the bigger one always has his leg on the smaller one although she also has a tendency to clime up on the big one and they will sit there for hours under the light Im convinced I've bought two insane turtles because they really do have a mind of their own.

In-curved belly (plastron)
Longer, thinner tail
Long front claws
Usually smaller and more colorful than the female of the same age.

Regular claws
Short, wide tails
Flat or outcurved plastrons

Let's see- two turtles with a total length of about 9-10". The rule of thumb is 10 gallons of swimming space per inch of turtle. You should have these two in about 100 gallons of water to give them the space they need.

Turtles love space, warmth (75-80 degree water, 90 degree basking sites), sunlight (especially UV-B rays), cleanliness (usually takes a BIG filter system to keep'em clean enough), and good food.

With good cares, the 'insanity' should go away and you should see happier, healthier turtles.

Try for ideas and care sheets.