Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > sex of turtles

sex of turtles

22 16:07:21

i have 3 turtles in my tank i dont know there sex but i think 1 is pregant how do i know. 2 are big then there is a wee one an i think the 2 big ones are bulling the wee one what do i do thank you. joanne.

I can't tell you how to sex your turtles unless I know what species they are.  If you know the species, you can google "sexing (species name)" and you should get either a description of the differences or pictures.  The only way to tell if a female turtle is gravid (carrying eggs) is if she lays or by x-ray.  Sometimes you can tell by palpating for the eggs (by feel), but this isn't easy to do and you have to know what you're doing.  Females do have to be a certain size to lay, depending on the species.

If you think your bigger turtles are bullying the smaller one, you need to separate them.  Bullying can cause severe health issues, because the bullied turtle won't get enough food or basking time.  Separating the small one will give it a chance to grow normally, and when it's big enough you can put them back together as long as you have enough room for all of them (and you'll probably need a very large tank or outdoor pond).