Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red eared silder stopped eating

red eared silder stopped eating

22 16:39:42

hi, i've got ared eared silder for about a year. recently he suddenly stopped eating the pellets i feed him. i've tried giving him green vegetables and apples but he also doesnt eat them. wat should i do? my parents are unwilling to bring him to the vet. is there any other way i can get his appeitite back without feeding him fish and worms?

First, check the things like tank size (small tanks ruin appetites), cleanliness, and temps (cool water ruins appetites). You can review the basic cares at

At about a year old, most sliders don't eat greens yet and almost never eat apples (water turtles just don't really do fruits, carrots, etc.).

If you want to avoid worms, try frozen, thawed krill- most turtles love it! Worms, insects, shrimp, and other 'meaty fish foods' are good- live or frozen/thawed.

Good quality pellets are usually OK. You can try just offering pellets for a week or so, with no greens or fruit, to see if it starts taking them again.