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Desert Tortoise in the Sun

22 16:39:37

Dear Sir,

My daughter took our baby desert tortoise (7 months old) outside to get some sun and unfortunately left him out there a little too long. When she returned to get "Blinky" he was upside down on his back and very lethargic. He won't eat now, like his mouth is sealed shut or something. Please tell me what we can do to help him recover.

Desert Tortoise? Gopherus agassizi? I thought these were illegal to buy, sell, collect, harass, own, etc. I find myself hoping you are talking about a different species- especially as Desert's are not great pet tortoises for most people.

Blinky sounds like he got scalded a little, and stressed a lot. Keeping him in the right temperatures and humidity for his species with as little stress as possible and all the fresh water he can handle would help. Ideally- his water dish should allow him to soak at will but be able to leave easily when desired. Make sure he has a shady, cooler hiding place.

After a couple days of rest, if he is still exhibiting symptoms, offer him a warm soak for a little under an hour to help rehydrate him. Repeat this daily, or on whatever schedule seems right in the situation.

A good site for general tortoise care is About the only site I can find that discusses Desert Tortoise home care is