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Warts issue

22 16:14:02


warts issue
Does the attached picture match a wart problem? I took the tortoise to a vet for 1 huge wart on the leg as shown, but after initial treating with antibiotics and cleaning for 2 wks and after a negative tissue sample round (to determine if cancer or else) the Vet recommended buying Salycic Acid ointment and that was it, since I started with this things have gotten worse really fast, with Warts now popping up all over and quite rapidly (less than 2 wks) she (female redfoot) now has wart like deformations on her face, rear legs, just all over. Any suggestions? I will like to send more pics but this system only allows for 1 pic load. Thanks for the help!

What it looks most like is herpesvirus, which is manageable but untreatable. However, I AM NOT A VET- this is just based on the photo and my vet reference book I barely understand.

Herpesvirus, like any virus, is difficult to treat directly. The management is to keep the animal comfortable and properly fed in a slightly warmer habitat, isolate it completely from any other reptile or amphibian, practice really good handwashing and hygienic controls, and treat the eruptions with antibiotic to prevent secondary infections. Even if the lesions go away, the animal should always be considered infectious.

I would recommend you post the problem and more photos at and to see what other experienced keepers think, and I would also strongly consider a second opinion from a vet with background in reptile care.

For basic Red-foot cares, try as well. The better the general cares are, the less stressed the tortoise is, and the less stress, the fewer eruptions.