Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > is she healthy?

is she healthy?

22 16:01:49

my cute turtle
my cute turtle  
QUESTION: Hi Tina! I forgot to attach this picture.. Please tell me if she looks healthy.. Thank you again Tina.. God bless you.

ANSWER: Christy,   Kamusta? : ) The thing is we don't know how old she is because of her size. I hope they have it there but, there is a shell cream made specifically for turtles it is called vita-shell. It helps when they get abit flaky and adds nutrients to it. Remember the shell is alive. It is totally non-greasy. Do not use any other creams or ointments EVER. She looks just beautiful. She has nice clear eyes, and good coloring. I see no mucus around the nose. Other than a little chubby, which your working on she is just fine and happy. She is looking around very curiously just like a nice healthy turtle. In fact Christy, I think she just might be posing for the camera cause she knows she looks Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Magandang Gabi, Tina! (good evening, Tina!), it's 10 pm here in the Philippines.. Mabuti naman ako - I am well..:)  Thank you, Tina. I actually got teary eyed while i'm  reading your response to my questions.. Thank you..I'm really worried every time i notice something is wrong with her because we don't have that much of vet for exotic animals here.People who saw how she behave said she acts like a dog because she respond when you snap and she will come to you. and when she saw her pellets she reach it as if she can stand..:) I always include her in my prayers.Actually, the flood where i got her is the same flood which totally submerged our whole house. it was one of the worst flood our city experienced.It is the typhoon ondoy, you can google it to see pictures of that calamity.We swam from one roof to another. the flood is so high that even those two-storey houses were submerged as well. When we returned in our house, there we found her, our turtle. All our things were gone.. all were broken but God gave us her.A very humbling experienced and what better symbol of humility other than a turtle.I think of them as a symbol of humility because it seems they are like a successful person since they already have there own houses and still they are close to the ground, very humble. Here in our country, owning your own house is a sign of success. Hence, how I see them.hehehe
Anyway, will she not drink that solution if i soak her there? and what tuna should i give her, raw or cooked? or can i give her tuna in cans?.. we have here, tuna in oil and tuna in brine. Thank you Tina for reading my story and also for your time in answering my questions.May God bless you always and your family. Ingat palagi- means, take care always. :)

Cristy Ann,   I admire your courage and endurance through that terrible storm. You are truly blessed. I understand what she means to you !!!!!! She is a symbol of your courage and fight to survive. The understanding of humility is something only someone wise can understand. Amazing how a tragedy can give you a different outlook. I know you are probably Catholic like myself and my husband was and you have a very strong faith. My husband was from Bohol. He was a wonderful man and I learned alot from him. Unfortunately his languages weren't one of He spoke two dialects. Tagolog and I think Bocol....or what he called versai (excuse spelling). He would say either mahal kita or (excuse spelling) Gihi googma kita. : ) Be very careful feeding her pellets without her being in water that is deep enough to swallow. They produce no saliva and their tongues are fixed so they need the water to keep from choking. The water with the medicine can be just  deep enough to get her legs. She should not drink it. Make sure she has soaked in her tank and eaten for at least an hour and a half before you dip her. She will not like the taste anyway. You especially want that would soft so she can absorb the medicine. You will want to get that healed as soon as possible. The tuna in brine is fine just drain it like we do. Limit her amount to once a week. Always keep an eye out for white urine or white stones in her poo. It is a sign of too much protein. One thing you have to remember even though I know she loves you and probably follows you around. She is a water turtle and she can dehydrate quickly. That is why her shell was flaking abit. I believe everything happens for a reason. I know you think you found her but, trust me, she found you.....God is Good Always. If you have any other questions or problems or anything I will be on vacation for awhile. This is my email Ingat palagi, Tina