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Circled Indian Tent Turtle and red eared slider

22 16:03:33

i bought 2 red eared sliders and Circled Indian Tent(Kachuga tentoria circumdata) Turtle last week...the red eared sliders are 1 month old and other one is 3 months old. my brother and 1 are planning to buy a 400-600 liters tank for my red eared sliders plus extra basking area and all.....will the water quantity be enough for them when they are fully grown?
also what are the basic requirements for a circled indian tent turtle?i couldn't find it anywhere on the net.
also can i put both the turtles in the same tank?

Hey there congrads on your new friends!
Im sorry it took so long to get your question answered, It was not sent to me.
If you go to  this site will give you loads of info on your Indian Tent turtle. It is loaded and wil lead  you through it all.

Yes you can house them together just be alert to aggressions
It is ideal to use out door ponds for their home when weather and room allows. You will need to provide filtration, heat and uvb for them. I am hoping someone has already informed you that they need these lights if not, please go get them asap/

If i can help more please let me know.

Have fun reading about them they are amazing little guys!