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skin condition

22 16:04:32

I have two Russian Tortioses. One is male and the other is female. My question is in regards to the female. She has what to the best of my knowledge I can figure to be skin rot. It is only on her back two legs and the skin is very supple and moist. It also comes of really easy just by touching it and the smell that it creates when removed is awful. I compare her to my male tortoise and they live in the same environment all the time so I think it must be something that she had before I got her. He has the traditional tough almost leathery skin that is desired in most tortoises of their species and she definitely lacks in that area. Her skin is so weak that her shell frequently cuts into it enough to cause bleeding. Is there some cream that I can put on her legs to strengthen the skin? I realize that vet care would be the best route but the vet that I take them to has tried the same technique three times and doesn't seem to realize that it is not helping. I would appreciate any input in how to help my tortoise because I can tell that it obviously bugs her and it puts me in stress having to watch it happen. Thank you for your time and I anxiously await your reply.

Hi Liz,

It would be helpful if you could tell me *exactly* how you keep your tortoises--size and type of enclosure, substrate, temperatures (both warm and cool sides), type of basking/UVB bulb, and diet.  In addition, please answer the following questions:

1)  How long have you had the tortoises and where did you get them?
2)  How big are they?
3)  Do they get any outside time (and, more specifically, is it possible to build an outdoor pen for them)?
4)  What has your vet tried (please be specific)?

Please post back as soon as you can.  I believe an appropriate cream for something like this would be Nolvasan, but I'm going to check further.  It also would really help to know what your vet has recommended.  I'll reply as soon as you post back.  Thank you!