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Red eared slider help

22 16:02:15

Hi,Jeannie ....I own a red eared slider here in India..i have been keeping it as pet since 1 and half years...Usually he is very active but recently since 1 week he has become sluggish and i have noticed that he has some kind of eye infection where it looks like his eyelids are filled with water..This time of year is generally cold here in India still i have been maintaining the proper temperature and often keep him in the natural sunlight..We feed him 3 times a day..and usually he eats it quite quickly...I am a bit worried about his eye infection...I will really appreciate it if you can help me with this thing..Thanks..

Hi Gautam,

Eye problems and lethargy are very often due to problems in how the turtle is being kept, so I would look at that first.  In my experience, advice given by pet stores in India for keeping red-eared sliders usually isn't very good.  You may be able to make some simple changes to improve his health.

First of all, red-eared sliders need roomy tanks.  You didn't say how big your turtle is, but a hatchling needs at least a 20 gallon tank, and an adult will need at least 75 gallons (100 gallons for a female).  You also need a very good filter (external cannister) that's rated higher than the tank capacity.  If your turtle is over 3", I would just find an adult-sized tank, because they grow quickly and will do fine in a big tank even if they're still small.  Having enough room and good water quality is very, very important.  You can't keep a turtle in a small tank and keep them healthy.

They need a basking light AND a source of UVB.  If they get natural sunlight (outside, not through a window) for at least three hours a day, every day, a UVB light is less important.  The water temperature should be 75-78 degrees, and the basking spot 85-90 degrees.  If there isn't a 10 to 15 degree difference between water temperature and basking temp, the turtle won't bask enough and may develop shell problems.

Diet should be a mix of animal protein, good quality pellets, and greens.  I'll link some care information for you below; there are lists of good foods there you can follow.  A varied diet is important.  DO NOT FEED A TURTLE THREE TIMES A DAY.  A turtle over a year old should be fed every other day at most.  It sounds like you've been greatly overfeeding your turtle, and you need to cut way back.  Overfeeding can cause serious health problems.  As an RES matures, they become more herbivorous, so as he gets older you want to feed more greens and less animal protein.  Also put a cuttlebone in the tank so he can nibble on it for extra calcium if needed.

My guess is that the eye problem is due to water quality, lack of UVB, or diet.  If you make sure he's set up as I described, he should improve.  If not, you need to find a reptile vet for him.  Please read over the care information I linked for you below, and ask if you have any questions.