Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > white powder look on turtle shell

white powder look on turtle shell

22 16:06:43

Hi, I have a yellow bellied turtle hatchling who is doing great. I have had him for about a month now (he was a Christmas gift from my kids). Today I added another yellow bellied hatchling to his enclosure (as my kids wanted George to have a friend). They are from the same location, although the second one is a bit smaller. This afternoon I noticed the new hatchling's shell looks as though someone sprinkled salt all over it. I didn't notice this at the time b/c it doesn't show when his shell is wet. But after basking today for awhile, it looks as though his shell is dried out (like the appearance of dry flakey skin?). It's the entire shell too, not just a spot or two. I'm concerned he is sick, and if so...what is this and can I help him? And is it contagious?!! he has just entered the healthy hatchlings habitat. Any help is MUCH appreciated!

Thanks! Jacque

Hi Jacque,

That sounds strange. I have seen some hatchling turtles born with that flaky type stuff on their shell which I believe is a natural protective coating that will wear off. I would not worry about it unless your other turtle picks it up.
