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Red Ear Turtles

22 16:20:06

Could the feeding tank for a red-ear slider be the bath tub?
Also, how big do they grow?
And lastly, do they get lonely? So should I get 2 or would it be okay on its own?
Thanks alot .

Feeding tank? While we used to suggest a separate feeding tub for turtles, we really don't talk about that much anymore. It caused a lot of stress for little benefit.

Now, we recommend that the main habitat just be large, warm, comfortable, and have a good filter. Sites like and discuss housing, water quality, etc.

Size- Red-ear sliders are one of the larger North American water turtles- males usually get to 10" and females to 12" but they can get a little larger. This measurement is made by measuring the shell from front to back in a straight line rather than along the curve.

Lonely- Turtles are solitary animals in nature. You rarely find them together unless they are basking or courting. In fact, two turtles together need lots of space or they get aggressive towards each other.

Try the sites listed above for more good info.

Good luck!