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captive painted turtles

22 16:38:05

I've been raising six baby painted turtles in the house since spring.  Can I safely put them out in my backyard pond with adult painted and red ear sliders?  They cannot escape.   The enclosure was designed for turtles.  

This is OK if...
- safe from predators- dogs, raccoons, etc.
- pond is big enough that the turtles have several escape routes, hiding places, basking sites, etc. without crowding or competing
- water temps at night do not dip below 70F- unless you plan on hibernating them
- there is adequate food for the small turtles- either naturally or provided by you.

The big turtles MAY bully or harass the babies, but pond size plays a big role in this- as long as everyone has plenty of space, they will leave each other alone for the most part.