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RES Shell Curling?

22 16:14:30


Hi question isn't about box turtles but I was wondering if you could help me, I have a Red Eared Slider and the back of his shell is curling a bit so I would like to know if you know if it means there is something wrong with him. I have had him for about 3 weeks and he is still pretty tiny, his shell is about 2 inches long. I only started noticing this within the last week (although it could have been a bit longer without me noticing). I've attached the photo, its the best I could get with my flash off. Thanks!!!

It's good that you noticed it early.  It may not go back to normal, but you can prevent it from becomming worse.  Here is a

but that is mostly for adult RESs.  I'm including it so you can see that when your turtle gets older you'll need to change his diet.

Babies need to eat mostly a commercially prepared diet (it's higher in protein).  It should say right on the tub that it is for smaller turtles, or it is a "growth formula."  I normally recommend more natural foods, but for babies it is very important to get a correct balance and this is the surest way to do it.

I also recommend using either a PowerSun or ActiveUV lamp.  Some people say it's not necessary for RES turtles, but if your turtle has shell problems already you don't want to take chances.

Good for you for noticing changes in your turtle, it's important to keep an eye out so that problems can be corrected early!
