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Runaway red ear slider turtle

22 16:15:54

Do red ear sliders can come out of their hiding places? Because my red ear slider (1 year old,and big enough not to fit any small holes) just got out from his tank and ran off. Now me and my mom were trying to find that silly turtle and cannot find him anywhere. She thinks he will come out from his hiding place and eat the food that put,And we did not put the turtle outside of the tank. Is there any other way that a runaway turtle could possibly hide or come out his hiding place?


Have you taken the tank apart to see if he is hiding in it?

If he has for certain escaped then you need to offer many dishes, plates or bowls of water in each room of the house. They can sense the water and will seek it. So check in the bathroom and kitchen where water usually is. So just lure him out with water. If you feel he comes to the water dish then runs off again. Put a plate dusted with flour down on the floor and a small plate of water on top of it. He has to walk through the floor to get to the water. This will leave tracks as to where he is going/went.

Keep looking for him, eventually you should find him.

Good luck