Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > African Succata has Acrylic Paint on back

African Succata has Acrylic Paint on back

22 16:03:24


Please help! Acrylic Paint on Tim the Turtles Shell.  Red and Green are not his colors.  He is a smart turtle who cruises my 2 1/2 acre property playing in the sprinklers in the summer and coming to the sliding door in the early afternoon to settle in by the warm fire for the evening in the winter.  Do they have turtle races because he is really fast.  It use to be, now you see him, now you don't.  I hope you help him to be that way once again.  He has 50 pounds of pure turtle personality and chases me down in the yard for fruit.  We thank you.  Tim the Turtle and Judy

I am not sure what the question is? Is it the paint on the shell? Scrub it off with a moderately firm brush and plenty of hand soap and water.

He looks like an African Spurred Tortoise, often called a Sulcata Tortoise. If it is, fruit is not very good for it overall.

If you need more information, you might try as an easier place to work with than here.