Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my baby red eared slider neck is tilted n swallon

my baby red eared slider neck is tilted n swallon

22 16:05:21

my baby turtle he is about 2 inches have only 1 ring on his abdomen he seems sick to me today i noted he was tilting his neck to his right side n is more swollen the my other turtles am really worried i hope its not much sick and he gets okay soon please help me shell i take him to vet or he'll be fine at home

Remember- I usually do not answer water turtle questions and am not a vet.

Swollen necks are often an infection. It can be from stress, dirty water, disease, poor diet, or many other things.

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes it will clear up on its own with better general cares and diet (try or for care information) but it usually takes a vet's care to clear things up.

You can get a second opinion at if you would like. It is free and they are good people.