Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > reddish-pink shell

reddish-pink shell

22 16:30:20

QUESTION: Hello! My red-eared slider turtle is two inches and on the plastron there is a pink-ish color around the edge of the plastron. What is this and is it okay? Thank you! =]

ANSWER: A little guy!

Pinkishness can be a normal color variation, or a sign of an infection. If it is ONLY on the shell, do not worry, but if you see red/pink streaks on the soft skin, then you may want to think about seeing a vet.

For some good care guidelines and info, try

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The color is all around the edge of the plastron and it is kind of reddish, it wasn't there when I first got it...I researched it online and it said it could be septicemia so I'm really worried. I want to make sure of it first before bringing to the vet. There is nothing on the skin and it acts normally and healthy. Thank you very much for the fast reply by the way! =]

It takes a while to change the color of the shell, but the color of skin can change in an hour or so. If there is NO red or pink on the soft tissues, AND the turtle is acting healthy, it is probably not septicimia... but understand that I am just basing this on your comments and cannot see the turtle.